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Experiments with Masking

Updated: Jan 26

This began as using simple torn pieces of paper, which I then painted a wash over. I was trying to create some spaces within a page, that exist as these little pockets or fragments as I've been thinking a lot about memories and how they are stored. I wondered if positive and negative space could be played with to show this idea. It also conjures up images of footsteps, with these bits of paper aligned in a way that begin to mark out a path or track.

Once the first wash was completely dry I worked over the top with brush to create more depth and texture. It's an extension of researching automatism really.

I found the bits of paper a bit fiddly though so I ordered some more conventional masking materials. The wax crayons worked well but the masking pen was a waste of money! I also bought a little spray tube thing which creates a sense of movement on the page when sprayed onto a wash.

I had to press really hard for the pen to get going. It worked ok but was a bit thick.

The crayon worked better. I like how it looks like a drawing in white rather than masked area. It's hard drawing with masking as you can't really see what you're doing, but getting a white that' saturated enough to show over the top of paint is tricky (although perhaps it doesn't matter an awful lot if it doesn't show that well).

I like how working in this way enables layers to build. An initial wash, followed by masking, followed by further colours. There's then scope for adding further layers perhaps in pencil.

October 15th:

I bought some actual masking fluid to replace the pen and it works much better!

The latex fluid means that areas of light can be maintained and you can create a crips contrast between light and dark, with fine lines possible using the fluid which when removed create a lovely depiction of paths and tracks - a central image in my research at the moment.

October 30th:

I painted a circle in masking fluid and then painted some pebble like forms around the line, with it running through their centre. I'd already got some yellow wash on the paper so I really like how the colours have these points of overlap and depth.

There's no figures in this piece but for now this doesn't matter, and in fact is quite effective without!

Jan 26th 2024:

I'm thinking about how to create fragments in different ways and have found watercolour paper a bit tricky recently. I'll still be using it, but wanted to see if there was some other way to create these small 'frames' that hold memories in them, and whether this is possible on a larger piece of watercolour paper that has a wash on it.

Top left is masking fluid, and bottom right (barely visible) is wax crayon.

As I'm trying out some different papers, I tested out pressing them onto this wash at the same time as painting over the masked areas. The rice paper was so thin it creased when wet and when I lifted it off it had left behind some interesting masked areas (bottom left)

There could be some way to develop this. I'm conscious I settle on a technique/s quite soon rather than adding more to the mix all the time though. I want to push this idea to some form of resolution and not stay in an experimental phase for too long (although I will of course return to experimentation). It's just quite a important thing to feel that there's at least a sense of direction going somewhere...

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